Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A birthday, some cake, and a trip to Vegas!

Well it's coming...almost here...am I supposed to be worried about it? Well I'm not. I'm turning 30 years old on April 23rd and what's the big deal? I do have this strange feeling though. I remember waiting so long till I finally turned 20 years old and was finally out of my TEENS...and then my 21st birthday so I could leagally drink.

Of course once I turned 21 I actually drank less so it wasn't that big of a deal. Then when I turned 25 I was excited because I was finally going to get lower insurance rates! That's been about the excitement attached to birthdays. So now what? What do you "realize" or become when you're 30? I know so many people my age who are still trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up and while I don't have that 100% figured out.. I think I was busy doing that in my early 20's...

So for my birthday I am headed to Las Vegas with Scott, my parents, and my sister. They are flying from Seattle and New Jersey to meet Scott and me in Vegas. We'll spend 4 nights there and I will be going to the Skywalk at the Grand Canyon---which I'm so excited about. I'm not a person to be afraid of heights etc..in fact I think more than anything I want 30 to be the year I'm not afraid of anything anymore...how about that?!? No wait....spiders. Nevermind...I have to hold onto a few things from my childhood.

That's it for now. I'll plan on many pics of my trip and make sure to put them here in a few weeks.


At 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny you should write about your birthday...its been on my mind too, i mean, what do you get a guy who SEEMS to have everything...and how do you top a trip to vegas???ummm, yeah, the spider thing, who are you kidding,ANY insect...come on...:-)

At 11:28 PM , Blogger Scott in Iowa said...

...turning 30 and better than ever! :-)

At 6:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Matt said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!!

I actually thought my 30th was cool. Still quite young, but taken more seriously. It's a good thing, really!!

Sounds like you had a good celebration in Vegas. Here's to many more!


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