Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ooo....WATER! Scary stuff!

Hmm, help me please understand this one:
OK, so there is a woman in California who just died because she had 'aqua over-hydration'. OK, I made that up, seriously she drank too much water and died. Let me back up and say if this was a friend of mine or a family member, obviously I would be really sad and etc...and I'm sorry for their loss...yadda yadda yadda... -insert politically correct stuff here- and all that. But aside from that...what the heck!?!

I was thinking that I had heard of this before, but in my mind I remember thinking that someone would have to drink like 100 gallons or something and it would be nearly impossible. One of those things that COULD happen but doesn't-because nature would make it's call long before and that would be it. All better.

It turns out this 28 year old woman was drinking water and not voiding her bladder (kewl doctor's-way of saying it eh? ) and she consumed over 2 gallons of water (or 32 8-oz glasses of water). AND THAT KILLS! Holy shit.

So lemme tell ya a little story about the "Century Club" of 1997 (ish) I was living in a college town about 2 hours from where I live now at the ripe age of 20. What do you do when you're 20 years old in a college town and you don't have to work, you might ask? DRINK! (Actually, even if you do have to work--you drink!) So my, who would later be, roommate Mark-his girlfriend-her roommates-some people we didn't know-a few from down the hall-someone's half sister's second cousin half-removed and about 10 other people all decided we would do 'the club' at about 3pm in the afternoon.

So the way 'the club' works is simple. Rather than me explain, follow the jump and check out the third item under "Rules". Well, we didn't allow this one. So afte rit was all said and done-of the 15 or so people that started our Century Club only 3 people finished! Me, Mark and one of his roommates. Everyone else either quit, threw up (disqualified), or -gross to say- pissed themselves. I drank a total of 16 beers in 100 minutes without going to the I think not. Necessary at 20 years old?...absolutley!

So in the end I had 1.5 gallons of beer in a very short amount of time and didn't pee. By the way I DID pass out and wake up about 3 hours later like nothing happpened---bizzare! Anyway-This woman in California drank 32 more ounces than that-but it was WATER! I think that's utterly (wait-that would be milk) CRAZY!

So ANYWAY the DJ's got fired along with 7 other employees because this woman died. Ya know what is sad? That they fired these DJ's for a PR move---to save face at the station. That would be a whole other post, but honestly this was a 28 year old woman in charge of making her own decisons-which she did and she died. The DJ's, in my opinion, weren't negligent or misleading in any way. I'm sure the argument will come down that the station and it's employees failed to inform her on the risks etc...BULLSHIT.

It's sad to me that in this country, we don't actually have to have personal responsibility anymore-we can just blame the evil corporations of America. Put it in the same file with the clowns that sue McDonalds for making them fat-or the people that sue amusement parks when the 200,000 pounds of man-made steel in a roller coaster-that sits out 24/7 for years has a bolt come loose and someone gets hurt. We take risks everyday of our lives in everything we do....

Stop suing companies and stay out of the water if you can't swim with the sharks...


At 6:55 PM , Blogger Matt said...

I kinda of agree ... and disagree.

True, our society is lawsuit-happy and refuses to take responsibility for its' actions. That's pretty much a trademark of American culture anymore. My favorite example is the woman who sued McDonald's when she burned herself with hot coffee - and now all cups have to say "Caution - Contents Are Hot". That is idiocy at its' finest.

However ... I think that the station should in some way accept responsibility - here's why: Very few people seem to know that drinking excessive amounts of water can kill you by throwing off the sodium/electrolyte balances in your body and causing brain swelling - even if you pee it out, excessive water can already have done damage (I'm sure she peed at some point before she died). I only knew this because I've read of deaths similar to this in the past. And apparently, the contestants were not told of any possible health risks by the station; a nurse even called in during the show and said that it was dangerous, but the contestants weren't "on air" at the time and didn't hear her warning (still being investigated, but this is what's said so far).

Should the contestants have known or researched it before they started drinking? Sure. Should someone who consumes fast food know it will make them fat and prone to heart disease? Yep. But, since the majority of people are NOT very well-educated on a lot of things, this is why there are warnings and information available from fast food restaurants, on food packaging, posted at amusement parks, etc. I think that the STATION should have made sure they were aware of any potential health risks, passed that on to the contestants, and let them choose. Then if she had decided to drink 2 gallons of water and end up dead, that is her responsibility alone. And, just in my opinion, if the station DID know the hazzards but didn't pass it on - that's negligence.

Of course, it's all still under investigation ... my point could be moot.

At 7:13 PM , Blogger TheBuxStopHere said...

Hmmm Matt, I hear your point but I still disagree. I'm so tired of everyone claiming ignorance about everyting in this country-as an excuse to get out of liability.

The radio station in no way claimed to be an expert on the body's balance of electrolytes. Not everyone who drinks two gallons of water will die and not everyone who eats Big Macs everyday for 80 years will have a heart attack...but maybe.

Bottom line is, for me, as an adult it's your own responsibilty to do what's right for you. Had this woman done a little research or consulted a doctor before participating she would have been informed. It's not everyone else's job/responsibility to tell the general public what's good and bad while they sit around and mindlessly live their lives.

Like I said, I'm sorry she died but there are plenty of people out there who smoke and honestly don't know the health risks associated-as crazy as it sounds.

So should all bottled water soon come with a warning? Alcohol doesn't even come with a warning about excessive consumption being lethal..but it is.

I wonder what would happen to me if I drank 4 gallons of egg nog and was lactose intolerant BUT didn't know I was?!

At 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i can say is she must have been one desperate lady...her kids have lost their mom...i guess thats a typical mom far as the people was her...she should have known better...sad...

At 6:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I will just be that prick who laughs and blows off the fact that karma will kick my ass later. You crack me up A-Hill! You should write a book.


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