Well hello there! Nice to see ya...if you're all still reading. My last post was a little over 3 weeks ago. Why? Honestly, I got bored. That's the only way I can describe it. All I know is: that I like to write, I like to read and I like to know people are reading what I am writing. So there really needs to be a good combination of all of those!
So what to write about? How about some odds and ends? Great! It's settled then, here I go!
Number ONE: This dammed weather-year round!It has been that kind of cold (ZERO degrees and MINUS 25 degree wind chills) here in Iowa that, for some STRANGE reason, I always forget about. I always think all Spring (which lasts 4 days here) that "THIS" is why I live here-the weather is
so perfect. Not too hot, not too cold...and then Summer hits. GROSS. I HATE Summer here and usually find myself hibernating indoors in the air conditioning. See, the thing is: I Sweat.
So as to not gross everyone out I'll just leave it at that. When I'm getting ready in the morning-the usual routines..apply antipersperient, put an undershirt on, put my shirt on AND within 5 mintues I'm already sweating through to the outter shirt. WTF? I've tried "No Sweat" roll ons... should be relabeled "No Sweat, But Itch Like Hell". Guess it wouldn't fit on the bottle though. Anyhoo, that's why I hate Summer here. That brings us to Winter (since there's only 2 seasons here). I ALSO sweat all winter long so it's a never ending battle honestly.
Ok, odds and ends number 2: Days off. I hate 'em!Now, you're all thinking the sweat thing I get-the day off thing though...what? Are you crazy? Well I think I've already answered that-but let me elaborate, nonetheless. I just don't understand what to DO with a day off. I'm used to getting up almost every morning between 4am and 6:30am so on a day off it's usually no different. How can anyone just lie/lay (no idea the use of those either) around in bed wide awake and do nothing? I can't do it. All you dirty thinkers are thinking
"I can think of something to do in bed that isn't sleeping!" -And I say to all of you: that isn't always an option either, mmkay? Most of the time on my day off I spend the early part of the morning drinking coffee, being online, and watching the Today show. That wastes a good portion of my morning, then I sometimes go take a nap-lame I know-and then usually I start thinking about what I might make for dinner. Wierd huh? The thing is I love to cook and love to plan even more so the two get combined together and that usually becomes the purpose of my day off. If for some reason I'm not feeling very culinary well then I have the worst day off of all. I usually do a round of cleaning-the kitchen, the bedroom, maybe some laundry, and mindless organization which I know will only last a few hours or a day at the most. The thing is though, at least I'll have SOMETHING to say if someone tomorrow says "So, what'd you do on your day off...Hmmm??"
For some reason I have inner-feelings of guilt if I'm not working. I don't know what it is. Maybe it comes from the fact that I have ALWAYS been working, and many times I had to work 7 days a week to support myself---or to support my spending habits, I should say. So, I think when you do work all the time you are teaching yourself that it TAKES that much work to be 'sucessful'. That feeling never seems to go away and in some ways, I don't want it to. Don't get me wrong-I love vacation and don't feel ANY feelings of guilt when I am ON vacation. it's just everything that leads up to it and afterward that I have to deal with. Who knows...I'm just wierd--am I the only one?
What else?
Odds/Ends Numero 3: Anna Nicole. What can I say? I loved the train wreck that she was and am actually sad that she's dead. No one deserves to lose a child or a mother at the age she was. It's a pity it will be played out so dramatically by the media--but then again that's what 'we' all ask for isn't it?
Alright, that's it for today. I'm going to TRY and enjoy the rest of my day off today...wish me luck. *GULP*